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what is?
human design is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences.
a logical system that provides understanding about human nature · how we are all different · and perform on a physical · emotional and mental level.
it brings together the unique composition and frequency of each planet that has imprinted us by looking at · what scientists call · neutrino’s.
these neutrino’s · emitted by each star · contain mass and travel through our solar system · while passing through everything · through our planets and us human beings. when something in science contains ‘mass’ it means that information is carried from A to B · and so do these little neutrino’s.
it’s this imprint made by the neutrino’s that makes each of us unique because it manifests differently in each person. and it is this uniqueness that is captured in a human design blueprint · composed by your date, place and time of birth.

human design
human design helps cultivating awareness to feel (more) permission to BE who you are · by following your own unique rhythm and energetic blueprint.
this inner journey · with the purpose to transform our core beliefs about ourselves and let go of fruitless struggles · raises our lives into a whole new level of awareness.
Empowering you to shine as your vibrant · unique and beautiful self.

" It is not a believe system, it does not require that you believe in anything. it is neither stories nor philosophy · it is a concrete map to the nature of being · a mapping of your genetic code.
Human design opens the door to the potentials of self-love · a love of life · and the love of others through understanding. "
· by RA URU HU
founder and messenger
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